Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Brand, Baillie and the BBC

I've been waiting for that fop haired flop Russell Brand to strike a pose for ages but apparently he is off to make films with his Hollywood friends. Although I don't find him particularly amusing he has got a Cito high five for shouting out 'Que?' when he boned that horse face minger. I guess if you are going to stick it to one of the ugliest birds I have had the displeasure to photograph (Geri Haliwell is far uglier but it's the kind of ugly that's on the inside) you have to make your own entertainment.

I don't understand why the buck tooth donkey is making such a fuss, the guy tells everyone who he's fucked anyway so why not her grandad? I bet she wasted no time in phoning her ugly friends to tell them she had boned a celeb, it's just that he has a wider audience.

As for that British institution that is so deeply offended by his granddaughter's bedfellows, I think he should take a running jump off the moral high ground. Purely for playing an idiotic caricature of an immigrant and for spending 12 episodes of one of the UK's favourite comedies telling only one joke 'Que?'.

I may sound harsh but the only way she could justify her sanctimonious response to the revelation that she boned RB would be if she was a member of a group called Young Christian Virgin Feminists Against Premarital Sex, and she hadn't boned him. However, she is a member of a group called Satanic Sluts Extreme, which kind of says to me that the night in question was not the first time she had 'known' a man.

A more dignified response could have copied from the 'yours was yum girl' who, instead of heading to Max Clifford's office to sell her story of the sordid night to any hack with a five pound note, went to hide at her parents house and got her mum to shout at reporters "she’s a nice girl really."

Anyway, I am going to hang round Georgina Baillie's place as there is always a chance she will get her bangers out to draw attention away from her donkey face.



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